Who Are we?

Based in Anderson, South Carolina, Electric City Collective is a group of young followers of Jesus seeking to serve the Church. As a team, we leverage our youth, talents, and strengths for the Kingdom of God.

The ministry came to be in 2021 when Matthew McCall (CEO) felt the need for churches to have a resource for corporate events. Hearing the voice of the Lord, Matthew had no choice but to listen and start ECC.

We desire to come alongside your church and ministry to bring glory to the name of Jesus Christ. We believe that lives are changed when the Spirit moves and understand that discipleship is found within the local church. This is why we are prepared to meet your church’s individual needs.

MIssion, Vision, and Values:

  • We exist to be a resource for the church through worship and teaching.

  • We seek to see the Church awakened to the Truth of Jesus Christ.

    • Biblical Teaching: We aim to reveal the gospel through the power of a relationship with Jesus Christ.

    • God-Centered Worship: We aim to make space to glorify through encounter.

    • Genuine Vulnerability: We provide a safe space for Churches to experience true authentic community.

    • Collective Talents: We use creative methods to combine our talents to further the Kingdom.

    • Church Revival: We are a vessel of revival for the people of God.

    • The Gospel: We teach the entirety of the gospel, centered on the Word of God.

    • Relationship: We were created for relationship with God. We use this lens to teach.

    • Power: We teach through the power of the Holy Spirit, not the duty of religion.

  • We believe complete worship encompasses three directions:

    Glory: Upward

    • The soul purpose of our worship is to glorify God through an upward heart posture.

    Encounter: Inward

    • We seek to have inward encounter with the Living God through corporate worship.

    Space: Outward

    • We provide outward space for the Holy Spirit to speak and move.


  • The Gospel is the good news that God our Father, the Creator, out of His great love for us, has come to rescue us from sin, satan, death, and hell, and to renew all things in and through the work of Jesus Christ on our behalf, and to establish His Kingdom through His people, in the power of the Holy Spirit. This is for God’s great glory and our profound joy.

  • God is perfect in love, power, holiness, goodness, knowledge, wisdom, justice, and mercy. God is the all-knowing, all-powerful, never-changing, and morally perfect Creator and Author of life.

    We believe in one God existing as one essence and three distinct persons.

    • Father: Seated on the throne in Heaven. High and lifted.

    • Son: Jesus is the resurrected and living Son of God. He came to earth as fully human and fully God to bring people back into a good relationship with the Father.

    • Holy Spirit: The promised comforter and Spirit of God that dwells in those who have accepted Jesus as Lord.

  • We believe that salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, he has paid for our sin in full. The way to salvation is through a relationship with Jesus; believing and accepting the free gift Jesus has provided for us. Salvation is repentance, belief in the Lord Jesus as Savior, and obedience to Him as Lord. Through Jesus’ work, we have access to salvation, freedom from sin, and entirety in relationship with Him.

    John 1:8; John 3:16; Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23; Romans 9:8; Romans 10:9-10; Romans 12:2; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 2:16; Ephesians 1:4-5; Ephesians 2:8-9; Hebrews 13:5; 1 John 10:28

  • The Bible is the inerrant, infallible, and inspired Word of God that is the standard for all doctrine, teaching, training, living, and reproof. (2 Timothy 3:16)

  • We believe that all humanity is created in the image of God and possesses intrinsic dignity and worth. (Genesis 1:27)

    • Discipleship: Leading others to a place you have already been in your spiritual walk to a position of growth that will eventually lead to others leading others.

    • Sanctification: We believe sanctification is the continual process of aligning one’s life with God.